AWS machine learning university
We are all interested to get started with Machine Learning and who best to learn from than the experts. AWS machine learning university is a self-serve machine learning training from Amazon’s own scientists. These courses are the same courses used to train Amazon’s own developers on machine learning fundamentals.
A informative excerpt from the above site:
Machine Learning University (MLU) provides anybody, anywhere, at any time access to the same machine learning courses used to train Amazon’s own developers on machine learning. With MLU, all developers can learn how to use machine learning with the learn-at-your-own-pace MLU Accelerator learning series. The MLU Accelerator series is designed to kick-start your ML journey with three, three-day foundational courses on Natural Language Processing, Tabular Data, and Computer Vision. Upon completion of the Accelerator Series, the Decision Trees and Ensemble Methods course offers a more advanced, five-day lecture series on tree-based and ensemble models. Through sequential YouTube videos taught by Amazon scientists with hands-on practical examples, Jupyter notebooks, and slide decks, MLU provides a comprehensive self-service pathway to understanding the foundations of machine learning. Course materials are available on GitHub, see below for more details about our courses.
There are five learning paths namely which can be found in the youtube channel playlists section:
- Natural Language Processing
- Computer Vision
- Responsible AI
- Tabular Data
- Decision Tress and Ensemble Methods
The site shares all code, platform to try and getting started resources guidance. The github code for these paths can be found here.
Hope you use these valuable resources for your learning :)
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